Improved and more enjoyable collaboration with FirstDrives

Everyone has those moments at work when you think, “This is what I love doing!” These are the tasks that make you jump out of bed, energise you, and you look forward to. But unfortunately there is no job where everything is enjoyable. There are also tasks where you think: do you have to? And yet, it has to be done and you often only suffer if you don’t. So how can you get yourself or your employees to tackle those less exciting tasks?

By using FirstDrives, you will discover which 2 drives are important to you and what that means for what you like and dislike. And what motivates your colleague? Do you understand each other well, complement each other, or argue often? FirstDrives provides ideas for improved and (even) more enjoyable collaboration.

FirstDrives was developed using the Management Drives methodology. An established name in the field of behaviour, collaboration and leadership. Management Drives provides insight into what motivates a team or person. This makes it possible to predict how that team or person will use their knowledge and talents. All information is displayed in six colours. Each colour represents a particular style of motivation, leadership, or organisational culture. FirstDrives provides insight into the 2 most important drives. Management Drives provides insight into all drives, as well as relevance and behaviour under pressure. Our consultants can help you choose which tool is best suited to your organisation or situation, contact us, we’re happy to assist.

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Take the first step

Discover the drives of yourself and your team. It’s easy to understand what motivates employees so you can place or develop the right person in the right role within your company.

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